Monday, November 23, 2015

Fear Cleanse (Day Seven) Want more money?

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What was the first thing that came to mind?

Any thoughts similar to any one of these?

I am in. Where is it going? When? _____
Let me know more. ______
I wish I could but I don't have the money.______
I can't take time off work (or other reason why not.) _____

If you picked the third reason, what I want to tell you is hard to hear. 

You do not have a money issue.

You have a creativity issue.

Yes, you have a creativity issue.
You are not a possibility thinker,
you are probably what you call, a "realist".
Hang with me here.

Maybe you don't want to go on a cruise.
What do you want that
costs more money than you
think you have right now?

What will you do about it?
Wait, save, forget about it?

What if I said what you want, wants you back
or you wouldn't have the desire in the first place.

Crazy thought right?
Also, why are you desiring it?
What will it do for you?

Here me out.

This lesson is not about:

Having more  "things".
Things do not make us happy.

Having more money.
Money doesn't bring happiness.
Money does bring freedom.

Lack of money brings worry, doubt and fear.
You cannot afford to have money worries.

This lesson is really about you- settling for less.
It is about not living up to your potential. 

We do it all the time. I do it as well. Not as often
as before though. I use my tools when necessary.

Here is one of my favorite tools to stop settling for less.

Remember: What we want is possible.
Only you decide if you are closed to the possibility.

We just need to put on our creativity hat. Mine is pink.

Get outside the box. Start living full out.


I do this by drawing the answers to a question. 

Step one:
Ask a question: Here is my question. 

How is it possible that I have an extra $2500 to spend on a 5 day cruise to Mexico

for two people so I can treat my husband as well?

Draw the answer in an abstract way allowing the pencil to tell you the answer.

Go ahead, grab a paper and label it ... You might ask...
How can I have the money I want for __________.
(Fill in the blank.)

Draw a box about 4" x 4" and draw within the box what ever feels right. Allow the pencil to make marks.
I                               I
I                               I
I                               I
I                               I
I                               I
I______________ _I   Before you go on, do your drawing.


This is what I drew.
Step two: Now we will decode the drawing.
What does it look like you drew?
What information came to you?
What is there that surprises you?
What do you now know?

Here is what I saw in my above drawing. 
(I am good at this so it comes quickly now.)

First, I see the problem on the bottom. (The thick squiggly lines.)
Then I start thinking of ideas. (The pencil line curves and goes up.)
The ideas get bigger and better and new possibilities come to my mind of where extra money could come in.

I see that I've drawn an egg.
It is cracking but it has not hatched yet.
Something is inside.
There is new life inside of the egg and it is cracking open now.
I am left with curiosity, wonder and excitement.
I decide to start figuring out how it is possible to make this happen.
My wish has become a dream, a goal, a burning desire.

I have a new goal... an extra $2500 over and beyond 
what I normally make in the next couple

Keep this in mind.

Creative people find a way to do, have, be something. 
Creative people who say "I can't" all the time are blocked.

If you are not open to your innate creativity or say "I can't"
to block your creativity, you may often feel like a victim,
wishing for more and settling for less.

Do you allow your obstacles to
 keep you from living a life of your dreams?


You are creative and can learn to bust it wide open.

Want to learn more?

Follow me on facebook. Click here. 

or join us on our Creativity Cruise. 
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