30 day Challenge now finished!
What I got from this 30 day challenge.....
focus on your passion,
what you love and
what you want more of.
Detail from Venice pastel
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Day 29 Find a Community that Speaks Your Language
Today is the second to the last day of the Fear Cleanse.
Are you finding more courage, happiness, love, abundance
and all that which fear hides?
As one of five teachers in the final stages of planning for a major
event about to happen in February, much fear is subsiding.
The idea for this event came to me in a vision while visiting St. Francis in Assisi.
Actually, this vision first came over a decade ago on one my vision boards.
The idea of a cruiseship event has been visible on my vision boards ever since.
However, this summer I knew it was time to turn the vision
into a reality. It was time to book a cruise ship and invite others
to join in for the time of their life.
Talk about FEAR!
What I first saw in Assisi was a ship, a vessel on the water.
On that vessel magic happened taking people
to a new and higher, happier way of existence.
My initial visions were of people
getting on a ship.
The vision is Assisi was like a movie showing
me what the participants looked like
as they exited the ship.
Colors glowed from the
bodies of most people.
They walked in a new,
more joyous and peaceful way.
It was evident it was now time
to plan this cruise.
With courage,
a new community of people who
are not going to give in to FEAR
is forming. Having a group of
like-minded individuals around you
is important to move ahead with
your dreams.
It is more fun having people to assist you
in you life's purpose and you assist them in
their purpose. Together you rise.
What will you create in your life now that you are
letting go of FEAR?
Remember, being our true self is what most people are afraid of.
This is normal.
Consider spending time with our new community this winter
as together we co-create a new way of life for ourselves.
I suspect that those on the ship in this first year will be
the future teachers sharing all kinds of expertise that benefits others.
You can have a preview of some of the lessons shared on the ship
the beginning of Janurary in a free webinar.
We will sail FEB. 15- 20th, 2016. Save this date. Consider joining our community.
Stay tuned for a free webinar coming in the beginning of Janurary.
Go to www.RichichiArt.com/workshops.html to learn more
about the cruise and email me at llrichichi@gmail.com if you
want to know exactly when the free webinar is.
Are you finding more courage, happiness, love, abundance
and all that which fear hides?
As one of five teachers in the final stages of planning for a major
event about to happen in February, much fear is subsiding.
The idea for this event came to me in a vision while visiting St. Francis in Assisi.
Actually, this vision first came over a decade ago on one my vision boards.
The idea of a cruiseship event has been visible on my vision boards ever since.
However, this summer I knew it was time to turn the vision
into a reality. It was time to book a cruise ship and invite others
to join in for the time of their life.
Talk about FEAR!
What I first saw in Assisi was a ship, a vessel on the water.
On that vessel magic happened taking people
to a new and higher, happier way of existence.
My initial visions were of people
getting on a ship.
The vision is Assisi was like a movie showing
me what the participants looked like
as they exited the ship.
Colors glowed from the
bodies of most people.
They walked in a new,
more joyous and peaceful way.
It was evident it was now time
to plan this cruise.
With courage,
a new community of people who
are not going to give in to FEAR
is forming. Having a group of
like-minded individuals around you
is important to move ahead with
your dreams.
It is more fun having people to assist you
in you life's purpose and you assist them in
their purpose. Together you rise.
What will you create in your life now that you are
letting go of FEAR?
Remember, being our true self is what most people are afraid of.
This is normal.
Consider spending time with our new community this winter
as together we co-create a new way of life for ourselves.
I suspect that those on the ship in this first year will be
the future teachers sharing all kinds of expertise that benefits others.
You can have a preview of some of the lessons shared on the ship
the beginning of Janurary in a free webinar.
We will sail FEB. 15- 20th, 2016. Save this date. Consider joining our community.
Stay tuned for a free webinar coming in the beginning of Janurary.
Go to www.RichichiArt.com/workshops.html to learn more
about the cruise and email me at llrichichi@gmail.com if you
want to know exactly when the free webinar is.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Finding a Better Way - Day 28
Many people are not courageous enough to face their fears.
Many people do not want to open their mind.
Many people like the box that is around them. It feels safe.
Many people would rather be RIGHT and defend that position
if it means that they will continue to suffer.
Most people pretend to be happy.
Then, there are some
people (probably you since you are reading this)
who were sick and
tired of being sick and tired and they are choosing a better
way of living.
I know.
I was one of the many people who was choked by fear and then one day, I
One day I had enough and sought after a new way of living.
I hired a coach and a spiritual teacher. Could I afford it?
I couldn't afford not to.
I hired a coach and a spiritual teacher. Could I afford it?
I couldn't afford not to.
At the same time I began to allow my imagination to guide me.
I surreneder to the creative spirit.
Do you know how to do this? Just surrender. Give up. "I surrender- help!"
I surreneder to the creative spirit.
Do you know how to do this? Just surrender. Give up. "I surrender- help!"
I made a vision board. A posterboard filled with magazine photos of things that made me feel good.
Have you ever made one? When the mind makes the board it gives us things that
we think we want. Big house, fancy expensive car and other symbols of success.
When you surrender to the creative source, ask "What would really make me happy"
Then your vision is what is better for you.
we think we want. Big house, fancy expensive car and other symbols of success.
When you surrender to the creative source, ask "What would really make me happy"
Then your vision is what is better for you.
Which would you prefer... Your way or a better way?
Sunday, December 13, 2015
30 Days to Love (aka Fear Cleanse) Day 27
This morning I wrote an entire blog while in the state of pure thought.
Then this came in from the shaman, Eileen O'Hare, who I have studied under.
It is perfect for today.
Often, in the very moment the flower of pure consciousness is opening,
some fear, nervousness and agitation comes up, or a sense of being lost.
But something discerns that this is not the old kind of lost feeling.
It is not the same old confusion.
There is something exciting about this confusion;
it is like you are on the cliff of the universe.
Sometimes you have to be on the edge of the seat of your own life,
not always hiding under the bed looking out.
You have to be willing to stand on the cliff of your own existence
and feel the air of infinite possibilities that you have never breathed before.
In such a moment you will not know a millisecond of what is in front of you.
Nor will you be overly concerned.
Facing the great abyss, you will say, Here I am, take me.
And then plunge into the ocean of your own Source.
~ Mooji
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Focus on Love - Day 26
Somedays when I paint, I am just
in the zone and the paint flows easily
onto the canvas.
This happens most often when working
outdoors because the energy moves
me along.
In the studio sometimes I've gone
backwards and ruined what I loved
about a painting.
For this reason I opt to paint outdoors
as much as possible.
Have you ever tried painting?
Consider joining us on a Mexican Cruise Feb. 15- 20th and try
your hand at painting. I'll give you step by step lessons.
If the cruise sounds good, come along, there are many classes to choose
from to assist you in getting those creative juices flowing again...
photography, singing, writing and expressive art. Just for fun, come
and allow your creativity find something that is comfortable and fun for you.
Our early bird price is about to end on Dec. 15th so check it out today!
in the zone and the paint flows easily
onto the canvas.
This happens most often when working
outdoors because the energy moves
me along.
In the studio sometimes I've gone
backwards and ruined what I loved
about a painting.
For this reason I opt to paint outdoors
as much as possible.
Have you ever tried painting?
Consider joining us on a Mexican Cruise Feb. 15- 20th and try
your hand at painting. I'll give you step by step lessons.
If the cruise sounds good, come along, there are many classes to choose
from to assist you in getting those creative juices flowing again...
photography, singing, writing and expressive art. Just for fun, come
and allow your creativity find something that is comfortable and fun for you.
Our early bird price is about to end on Dec. 15th so check it out today!
Focus on Love - Day 25
At the time I painted this small study, I wished I had more time to really finish it.
Since much time has gone by, I am able to appreciate it for what it was meant to be...
a color and composition study. Sometimes we are just to hard on ourselves.
I know I have been. Appreciate something about what you have done, are doing or who you
are being today. Appreciate you!
Since much time has gone by, I am able to appreciate it for what it was meant to be...
a color and composition study. Sometimes we are just to hard on ourselves.
I know I have been. Appreciate something about what you have done, are doing or who you
are being today. Appreciate you!
Friday, December 11, 2015
30 Days of a fear cleanse... now focusing on love. Day 24
Every new day the sun rises.
We are given an opportunity to start again.
A walk in nature helps to cure us of daily stress.
Today, find time to walk in nature.
Stop and feel the energy of a tree,
the water or the sky.
Why do we feel better when we take time away from business (busyness) and get quiet?
We are aligning with the energy of our creative source.
The creative source is in everything.
Pay attention to the energy within yourself.
Take a break and connect.
You will be happy you did.
Take time to love yourself.
Treat yourself like you want to be treated by your lover.
When I did this, I began to shift my life around.
The most important relationship you have is with yourself.
You cannot really have a great relationship with another unless you get rid of that which keeps you from loving yourself.
It has taken me years to drop a majority of the negative thoughts I held about myself and now that I know how to do this, I find great pleasure in helping others to discover what is left when you drop all that stuff that isn't working.
Painting title: Breaking Wave
By: Linda Richichi
Size: 5" x 7"
Medium: Oil on panel
Price: $350
To purchase: Contact Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra Beach (show thru Dec. 28th)
Every new day the sun rises.
We are given an opportunity to start again.
A walk in nature helps to cure us of daily stress.
Today, find time to walk in nature.
Stop and feel the energy of a tree,
the water or the sky.
Why do we feel better when we take time away from business (busyness) and get quiet?
We are aligning with the energy of our creative source.
The creative source is in everything.
Pay attention to the energy within yourself.
Take a break and connect.
You will be happy you did.
Take time to love yourself.
Treat yourself like you want to be treated by your lover.
When I did this, I began to shift my life around.
The most important relationship you have is with yourself.
You cannot really have a great relationship with another unless you get rid of that which keeps you from loving yourself.
It has taken me years to drop a majority of the negative thoughts I held about myself and now that I know how to do this, I find great pleasure in helping others to discover what is left when you drop all that stuff that isn't working.
Painting title: Breaking Wave
By: Linda Richichi
Size: 5" x 7"
Medium: Oil on panel
Price: $350
To purchase: Contact Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra Beach (show thru Dec. 28th)
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
30 Days to Love (aka Fear Cleanse) Day 23
The opposite of fear is love.
For the rest of this 30 day challenge
I will focus on images that feel like love.
How does one give
up fearful thoughts?
Stay focused on loving thoughts,
stay focused on gratitude.
St. Francis Prayer for Peace
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is error, the truth;
Where there is doubt, the faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled, as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Monday, December 7, 2015
30 Days to Courage (aka Fear Cleanse) Day 22
I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life -
and I've never let it keep me from doing a single
thing I wanted to do.
~ Georgia O'Keeffe
Me too!
Just imagine being fearless.
Take a risk today.
Make a call you have put off.
Go out on a limb.
Speak up for what you believe in.
Smile at a stranger.
Give someone a compliment.
Today, be happy all day.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
30 DAYS to ABUNDANCE (Aka Fear Cleanse) Day 21
When you let go of fear, what is available to you?
Love and Abundance. It is everywhere.
Does abundance mean you become a billionaire? Maybe.
Abundance also may mean that nothing changes except your attitude about life.
The funny thing is when your attitude changes, everything changes.
Embrace change.
Ask yourself this question.
Where are you settling for less
because the fear of the unknown
is just too damn scary?
Write down the answer to this question.
I am afraid to: _________________________________
Draw or sketch in a doodle like way (or even a scribble) what that would look like if you didn't allow fear to stop you when you ask this new question:
What would it look like if I was able to:
_(write the opposite of what you wrote above)____________
Let go of expections of making a "good" drawing.
Just make marks that give you clues.
I drew a scribble to this question:
Then I collaged that scribble. (Collage again is cutting images from magazines that relate to the question and pasting them on a piece of paper.)
Much to my surprise, below you can see my images that came out of the magazines that represented
the scribbles. When I finished glueing the images in the "correct" place (based on where they just felt right) I was awed by how awesome the overall new story felt to me.
A new story is created.
This then overrides the old programming you once lived by. You have updated the computer programming in your own mind rather than living by self sabotaging programs of the past that no longer serve you.
The new image I created showed me how to feel like my true self.
That day, I began to have the courage to live my truth.
This is a method that everyone can do.
Now, it is your turn.
Try it.
Love and Abundance. It is everywhere.
Does abundance mean you become a billionaire? Maybe.
Abundance also may mean that nothing changes except your attitude about life.
The funny thing is when your attitude changes, everything changes.
Embrace change.
Ask yourself this question.
Where are you settling for less
because the fear of the unknown
is just too damn scary?
Write down the answer to this question.
I am afraid to: _________________________________
Draw or sketch in a doodle like way (or even a scribble) what that would look like if you didn't allow fear to stop you when you ask this new question:
What would it look like if I was able to:
_(write the opposite of what you wrote above)____________
Let go of expections of making a "good" drawing.
Just make marks that give you clues.
I drew a scribble to this question:
What would it look like if I allowed my true self to emerge?
Then I collaged that scribble. (Collage again is cutting images from magazines that relate to the question and pasting them on a piece of paper.)
Much to my surprise, below you can see my images that came out of the magazines that represented
the scribbles. When I finished glueing the images in the "correct" place (based on where they just felt right) I was awed by how awesome the overall new story felt to me.
A new story is created.
This then overrides the old programming you once lived by. You have updated the computer programming in your own mind rather than living by self sabotaging programs of the past that no longer serve you.
The new image I created showed me how to feel like my true self.
That day, I began to have the courage to live my truth.
This is a method that everyone can do.
Now, it is your turn.
Try it.
30 Days To Courage (aka Fear Cleanse) Day Twenty
Garden Path Pastel 12" x 9"
We are who we believe ourselves to be.
The thoughts we hold
about ourselves show up in our world.
When we allow our authentic self to emerge,
our world begins to feel like paradise.
Paradise is not a place, it is a state of mind.
I've given you a few tips in a past post on how to alter your self image.
Click here to review.
That is just a starting point. Your brain begins to accept a new possiblity.
Here are 4 Keys to Unlock the Door That Keeps Your Authentic Self From Entering.
1. Willingness. Are you willing to let go of the
old way of being?
You must take a risk. You must experience
loss of some kind.
If you keep doing what you have always
done, you will always be the same.
2. Awareness. You must be aware of where you feel open, where
your energy is blocked and where you are denying yourself
happiness. Denial is a tool of your ego to keep you
from fully living your strengths. Awareness is vital in the
transformation process. Everyday is an opportunity for growth.
You either go forward or backward. It is a choice. You know this.
3. Honesty. What is just not working? Relationships? Money?
Health? Stop saying everything is fine and
be honest about an area in your life that is out of alignment.
Even the best coaches have an area that could be improved.
If you are reading this blog it is because you are on a path of
higher consciousness. We all like to think we are doing really
well. The truth is you have come along way. Be honest though,
where could you use an adjustment? We all
need a check up from the neck up from time to time.
4. Be responsible. Stop pointing fingers. When you point a finger,
there are three more pointing back at you. You are not a victim.
Being a victim is one of the three ingredients in the Toxic
Triangle. When you take responsiblity for your own life you are
on the road to a happier life.
Are you ready to unlock the door for a better 2016?
Attention Life Coaches:
Join us for a special 5 day workshop taught by five magnificent teachers focusing on CREATIVITY on a Cruise to Mexico. Learn to access the source of creativity and discover that nothing is impossible with the assistance of inner wisdom. Learn how an an artist, a shaman, a photographer, a holistic RN, social media guru and a life coach's coach will be taking their participants to a new level of awareness.
It is designed for entrepreneurs, life coaches or for anyone who
has a desire to live a more abundant and happier life doing what you love. Non-participating partners are welcome.
Join us on our High C's Cruise Feb. 15- 20th, 2016
from Ft. Lauderdale, FL to Mexico.
Click here to see all the wonderful teachers on board (for the price of one workshop).
Safari users sometimes have issues- go to this site if you do. Click here.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
30 Days to Courage (aka Fear Cleanse) Day Nineteen

The internet is full of information to raise your awareness
regarding how to eliminate the fear based thoughts that play over and over in your mind.
These negative tape in your mind keep you from being all you can be.
I will post images that have come from my most creative moments.
Check out these insightful posts that I came across that
address the issue of fear.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
30 Days to Courage (aka Fear Cleanse) Day Eighteen

Focus on how you want to feel.
Focus on who you desire to be.
Find a picture of a body doing something you want to do or be.
Cut it out. Glue it on a piece of paper or posterboard. Add a photo of your head on it looking happy.
Look at it daily and notice how you feel when doing so.
The only thing you have control over is your own mind.
Visual images give your mind something concrete to believe.
Your brain will begin to assist you in your new vision. Try it for yourself.
30 Days to Courage (Aka Fear Cleanse) Day Seventeen

Yesterday another tragic event took place.
Today. Take a moment to be in silence and decide this one thing.
How did you feel?
Love or hate? Neutral (able to stay centered)? Numb (you chose not to feel)?
Did the tragic events yesterday in California cause you to feel fear? Anger? Revenge? Hate?
Or make you more determined to stay in Love and to rise above?
Or did you choose to just stay centered and not allow the news, the perpretrators, your own internal reptilian brain take over?
Be honest.
Which do you have a tendency to be drawn to?
Panic? You are now afraid to go to places you dreamdt of?
Hate and anger? You want to lash out on all who are not like you?
Or something similar?
Are you tied to the TV to see when it is "safe" again?
Did you just continue with your day because it doesn't concern you?
Just notice.
Sit a few minutes in silence.
30 Days to Courage (Aka Fear Cleanse) Day Sixteen
Focus on faith.
What is faith anyway?
One dictionary gives this meaning:
Trust, belief, confidence, conviction; optimism, hopefulness, hope.
When your faith is not strong enough, you give up quickly.
Seeing is believing so a wonderful way to trick your brain is by seeing to assist your faith.
A vision board is a wonderful way to develop faith.
It also helps you to focus your mind on the positive.
It is a target.
It brings back passion into your life. Passion fuels your dreams.
You already have the picture in your mind of what doesn't work, right?
What comes to mind when you think of what would work even better?
Tap into your inner knowing to reveal what is a new possibility for your life.
Set up a time right now to sit for an hour and create a new vision for 2016.
Your thinking mind often gets in the way when you create a vision board.
There are many versions of vision boards.
The way I teach is to create from your soul's vision so that it aligns with your purpose.
Many a vision board contains the big house, the new car, the fancy jewelry or other material possessions.
These "things" may or may not be what brings you happiness. Temporary happiness sure.
What happens if you go buy a house out of your budget and then have to do what it takes to pay for it? Unless you are living your passion, this might not be so much fun. It may be a burden.
What happens if you go buy a house out of your budget and then have to do what it takes to pay for it? Unless you are living your passion, this might not be so much fun. It may be a burden.
Always ask for what is best for you.
Perhaps having a smaller place with more money in the bank will afford you the luxury of extra time to develop a project that will take you to new heights and truly afford the dream house rather than buying something on credit and then being hocked up to your elbows.
Always ask for "this or better." What is best for you can then appear.
Being stuck in a job in order to keep paying for a big house
may keep you locked in a pattern you are not happy with.
may keep you locked in a pattern you are not happy with.
Isn't the objective to be happy? To evolve? To live authentically?
Sometimes you have to get to where life isn't working to know what you really desire.
Sometimes you have to get to where life isn't working to know what you really desire.
I know, I have been there.
Now, my life is happy! I love what I have co-created.
Isn't what you want to create a masterpiece?
Mastering anything takes time and dedication.
This concept was given to me in a dream. It taught me a new way of visioning. When I did the typical vision board, things did come true. I wasn't always happy though.
Isn't what you want to create a masterpiece?
Mastering anything takes time and dedication.
This concept was given to me in a dream. It taught me a new way of visioning. When I did the typical vision board, things did come true. I wasn't always happy though.
There are several types of ways you can access your inner knowing and bypass the logical mind.
Here is one of the simplest methods of accessing a higher vision.
Ask a good quality question.
Draw (scribble, doodle) the answer that feels right on a piece of paper. Write the question.
Collage the doodle and then Decode. (A collage is taking images and pasting them to a paper or other surface to create new images).
What does the collage reveal to you? Example...
What does the collage reveal to you? Example...
below I see the word HaWaii. The HA is starred. This represents laughing. Having FUN.
I see lots of blue water. (Yes, I now on the water and four blocks from the bay).
There is a motorcycle (oddly enough, I never noticed the woman even looks like me).
There is a dog riding along. I do not like motorcycles or big dogs. ( I am a little dog person).
So what is up with that? (There was also a sign that says GOOD LIFE above this).
For me, this would represent freedom from fear from the past. The motorcycle is going to the left, representing the past. This particular big dog is the nicest of the big dogs, a retriever. My fears are really not that scary I believe it is saying. The motorcycle is supported by the extra car. I have a Good Life. I needed to start acknowleging my good life and stop complaining all the time!
We give meaning to things and as long as the meaning feels good to you, it is all good. What you see in my photo here may differ from what I see. Your interpretation will be based on your perception. Our perceptions keep us trapped in fear or they can transform our lives.
Not too long after creating this my girlfriend treated me to a trip to Hawaii. The next time I went, I was able to pay for it myself effortlessly. Going to Hawaii really altered my life. Prior to having it on my vision board, I was settled into the fact that I would be a starving artist and was ok with that. (BIG LIE I TOLD MYSELF). What we tell ourselves to make believe we are happy.
Since the early 90's a cruise ship taking hundreds of people with me on board has been showing up on these boards. This year, it is coming true. Our first CRUISESHIP Creativity workshop is happening Feb. 15- 20th. Come join us.
What is to come for you?
We give meaning to things and as long as the meaning feels good to you, it is all good. What you see in my photo here may differ from what I see. Your interpretation will be based on your perception. Our perceptions keep us trapped in fear or they can transform our lives.
Not too long after creating this my girlfriend treated me to a trip to Hawaii. The next time I went, I was able to pay for it myself effortlessly. Going to Hawaii really altered my life. Prior to having it on my vision board, I was settled into the fact that I would be a starving artist and was ok with that. (BIG LIE I TOLD MYSELF). What we tell ourselves to make believe we are happy.
Since the early 90's a cruise ship taking hundreds of people with me on board has been showing up on these boards. This year, it is coming true. Our first CRUISESHIP Creativity workshop is happening Feb. 15- 20th. Come join us.
What is to come for you?
Now go through some magazines and tear out any images that relate to the scribble.
For example, you have a circle.. what looks circular in the magazine that feels like it relates? It is not important and actually better if you don't try to make sense of this right now.
Since you are not totally sure of what the scribble might mean, your logical mind can't totally grasp the concept so allow your intuition to create an image.
Allow the intuitive mind to take over and then see what shows up.
You may be very surprised.
Then interpret the drawing.
What does it look like?
What surprised you that showed up?
What do you think it means?
We give meaning to everything in our life.
Allow the intuitive mind to take over and then see what shows up.
You may be very surprised.
Then interpret the drawing.
What does it look like?
What surprised you that showed up?
What do you think it means?
We give meaning to everything in our life.
Give it a try. Ask a question... The quality of your question is important.
What would my dream job look like?
What is in my best interest to know right now?
What would best serve me right now?
Ask your question. Doodle, Draw your answer and then Decode.
This is a method in my Soul Vision course that I will be teaching on the High C's Cruise to Mexico this Feb. 15-20th along with Shaman Eileen O'Hare, Blonde Cow Photography, Holistic RN Rosemary Smith and Mary Agnes Vetel Antonopolous, Social Media Guru.
Click here for more into. to see how you can learn to tap into your creativity to create a life of your dreams.
(If on Safari browser you have an issue pulling up the website, please try Chrome or Firefox.)
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
30 Days to Courage (aka Fear Cleanse) Day Fifteen
Today, I want to leave you with one simple thought to ponder the entire day.
A pessimistic mind will always find the worst of everything.
When in this state, there is no winning.
An optimistic mind finds the best of everything.
It is all good.
You choose.
Draw feeling blue.
Draw feeling happy.
Draw a connection, a way to go from one to the other.
Now, just for this day, when you find yourself blue, angry, etc.
imagine the life line that connects you feeling happy.
Grab hold of that line in your imagination and pull
yourself to freedom, to happiness. Or imagine the
path in my painting and when you reach the top, you feel happy.
Try it out.
Exercise your imagination.
Please come back and post how you did.
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