Tuesday, November 24, 2015

30 Day Fear Cleanse (Day Eight) WARNING!!

The Government has issued another warning.

W A R N I N G !

It has been awhile. I've grown in the process.

I remember the last time that government warnings
were regularly broadcasted.

It filled me with fear.

"No, I do not want to travel". I would tell others.

That was a lie.

My girlfriend was planning a trip to Paris.

I wanted to go. We had traveled together before.

Really though, I wanted to go to Italy.

But the government had issued a warning,
I was afraid.

This was now a problem. 

Something I wanted yet I was allowing fear
to stop me. 

That was when I first began using art to problem solve.

I made a drawing.
Not my normal refined drawing.

A messy, what

wants to come from my core of my being kind of drawing.

More of a scribble, a doodle like drawing.

That is when fear began to stop controlling my life. 

I went to Italy and to Paris that summer for. 5 weeks.
Then I came home to pick up my brand new Mini
Cooper because that was the car of my dreams.

Prior to that year, my thoughts included:

"I would be a starving
artist never to have a
 new car ever again."

It was ok (I told myself)
because I was
living my dream of being an artist.

But really, was starving a dream job?

I knew I was lying to myself.

So I figured out
through drawing how not only
to go to Europe for 5 weeks, but the
drawing told me I could also have
a new car and pay for it in full.

If I was going to have a dream, I began
to realize make the dream really good. I knew
that I did not want car payments ever again!

My drawing said: Do both (a new car and trip to Europe).
The drawing that evolved from my questions showed me how
to have both. My logical mind told me even one was impossible.

After all, I didn't have one dime saved for either
prior to doing this drawing.

Was this crazy?
I wasn't sure but it was worth the chance.

A year from this drawing... not only was it not crazy
but my friend invited me as a guest at her mastermind trip
in Paris to teach this drawing method to her business women. 

Here is what to do:

To begin....

I drew what fear felt like. 

All kinds of F E A R.

Go ahead try this now. Right now.

Step one:

Take a piece of paper, the bigger the better, yet any size will do.
Computer paper is fine.

Label this drawing: Fear. 

Draw out fear as it feels to you.

 Use a pencil, pen, or add color (markers, crayons, anything actually).

Let it rip.

Here is a sample of what I drew today.

Give FEAR an image.  This helps to reduce it to a manageable size.

All day long, pay attention to when fear arises in you.

Think of this image. Where does it fit in the picture? Do you
need to add it to the image? Do so if necessary.

Are you watching the TV daily? The news in particular?

Seriously, we have more of a chance of having a car accident
than what the news would have us believe. 

I remember being in first grade,
afraid and covering my head in classrooms in an air raid drill.

Or, being as a small child being told to fear strangers with candy.

Or, as a young girl, rapists on the street.
So when two men in a Cadillac offered me at age 16 a modeling job in
NYC after they saw me walking on a street in my small town,
I didn't give them the time of day. I ignored them
and walked as fast as I could away from them. Was it legitimate?
Who knows? Maybe, maybe not.

I could go on and on. Sure, bad things happen.

 Chances are they won't.
 If we allowed fear to run our lives,
we would never leave the front door.

Remember West Nile?

 Being afraid of mosquito bites?

 I know, things happen.

Be aware, be smart. Being in a perpetual 

state of fear is not the answer.  Your body will

give you clues when the fear is really real.

F E A R (false evidence appearing real) 
will keep you from your highest purpose.

Fear clouds your thinking and closes doors.

Fear keeps us all playing small.

How does one stay in power over people? 

Make them fearful. 

Watch how those who are on the news do it.

Watch how politicians (and outsiders) do it.
They get you were they want you... listening to them.
It is a mind game.

Isn't fear the game that this "In Sane group IS trying to have you play?

Nope, not me.

I won't give in.

I even refuse to call them by their name.

I will not give them any power over my life.

Do they need to be taken care of, yes!
I send them love prayers..
That is all I can do to resolve this situation.
It is the best I can do.

Daily, I choose to:

Rise above.

Check my fears at the door.
(BTW: They never go away 100% and new ones
will arise when you go out of your comfort zone.
That is great.)

This method of seeing fear reduced to paper
helps me to limit the power it has in my life.

It gives me the power to make wise decisions.
To call on my intuition to guide me and keep
me safe. I listen to my own intuition.
It has saved my life in the past when fear was

Twenty two days left to find courage and
let go of FEAR.

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