Friday, November 27, 2015

30 Day Fear Cleanse (Day Eleven)

What do you focus on more? 
Fear or possibility?  

What you give your energy to, EXPANDS.

You can focus on the negative any time so for now, let's
play with another option.

Isn't that what Einstein did? Everything is energy.
What you give your energy to expands.

In the painting above if you focus only on fear (represented by the black)
you would only look at what is black.

All the possibilities (the white areas)
would be ignored by you. It is impossible to focus on two things
at the same time equally. Try it. Look at something in the room
where you are. Isn't everything else blurry? Yes, it is.

When you focus on fear, you
are more concerned with the fear.

If you are consumed by fear this keeps
you from seeing all that is available to you. It also keeps
you from finding the truth.

What if I said, imagine that the fear is being crushed and behind
that black door in my painting, fear it is subsiding.

Imagine that soon goodness will burst through
that black door. All your greatest desires will come through that door
for you to have.

Now what might you see?

Are you having a shift in perspective?
Are you starting to notice all
the well lit areas?

What is your mind capable of imagining?

I see people (new and old friends)
having fun with me as we spend time

And well built, well dressed, healthy,
happy, optimistic people
pick out even more paintings of mine
that they love from several
galleries that show my work.
They are happily having them
shipped or delivered to their homes.
There friends see the work and want
to have some in their home too.

I see myself having opportunites
to paint in places that inspire me
more and more.  People are inviting me
to paint at their favorite places on earth.

Now, I can give even more to the charities
that I love and help others to have a better life.
This lights me up.

I could easily go on with numerous
possibilities. Can you?

More tomorrow. Sweet dreams.

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